Embark on a Soulful Journey with 'Soul Shine':
44 Days to Illuminate Your Inner Light and Embrace Spiritual Tranquility!
When life changes it can be stressful and disorientating.
You're doing what you can to bring balance and serenity to your world. You're supporting others,
but what about you?
Overwhelmed by the responsibility placed on your shoulders you're trying to keep it together...
but you know you need help.
You're checking out yoga programs, taking vitamins, and eating food that nurtures your body,
yet something is missing....

Imagine how amazing life could be as you...
★ ...unplug from your day to day routine, and take a journey with your soul to release patterns, old concepts and beliefs that are standing in the way of happiness.
★ ...welcome in peace and contentment, while embracing positive well-being for your mind, body and soul.
★ ...build a bridge between heaven and earth, while connecting with and receiving guidance from your personal spirit team.
★ ...raise the vibration of your energy so high that you can't help but have a positive impact on the lives of others.
The recipe for a magical life unites 3 ingredients...
Daily Meditation - Daily Positivity - Daily Practice!
With a guided meditation practice you can reach the light and wisdom of your Higher Self, to feel empowered, enlightened, and above all, happy!
Positive inspiration guides your journey inward to focus on your soul. A whole new world can open up, and as you begin to align with the divine you naturally step into the power of your purpose.
Understanding who you are comes from following practices that will guide you to live a luminescent life.
The next step is to make yourself a priority. After all, you're the most important person in your life, right!

"My tribe of Sensitives, intuitives, and healers have been asking me how they can deal with the stress of the unknown, what they can do to alleviate the overwhelm of caring for and supporting others, and how they can contribute to healing the planet without taking on the burden of the world on their shoulders. This is why I created SOUL SHINE"

You are a magical being with an important mission that was mapped out before you were born.
That mission - should you choose to accept it - is to heal yourself, to shift attention to new levels of awareness, and be the beacon of light that is your destiny.

Soul Shine is a unique program of channeled meditations, soul lessons and practices. Each day's meditation was channeled LIVE from the highest source of light guiding you to awaken the profound wisdom, consciousness, and healing power of your inner self to shine the luminous light of your soul.
In this 44 day program you will be receive:
---Channeled Meditations---
★ A daily channeled meditation video recording.
★ Audio of the daily channeled meditation.
★ Edited audio of the daily channeled meditation with theta music to take you deeper.
---Soul Lessons---
★ Daily Inspiration and channeled wisdom to guide you to access the truth within your soul.
★ Daily light affirmations to infuse your energy with positivity and light.
★ Daily practice prompts to support re-connection with your soul and the healing power of your inner self.
★ BONUS GIFT, at the end of your 44 day journey all this profound inspiration gathered during our time together is included in a beautiful guidebook.
There's never been a better time
to shine your light!
What our students have to say...

Oh how this journey with Elizabeth has advanced my spiritual growth.
"Elizabeth is such a beautiful shining light, so full of wisdom and grace. The way she shares information is so easy going and easy to follow. Beyond teaching a simple and awesome way to bring in the light and prepare your body for meditation daily, I experienced emotional releases, deep healing and meaningful and timely daily messages from my guides. The message of oneness was so prevalent - a message the world really needs to not only hear, but feel, experience and embrace right now. I am grateful for you Elizabeth - you truly taught me how to let my "Soul Shine" and how to share that light with the world."
Darci Lynne Young, USA - Praise from the Soul Shine course

I've been desperately searching for the way back to myself. Soul Shine has been the journey home.
This program has helped me reach into the deepest essence of me, find the root of the pain I have been carrying for many lifetimes, and begin to release it. This journey has been a return to inner truth, my authentic core, and the meditations have brought me closer to that innate divinity that bridges us so beautifully to each other that is mostly unseen. Elizabeth as the channel to the Light has granted me the affirmation needed to believe that we are indeed spiritual beings, brought here together for our highest good and healing. I am deeply grateful to have been a part of this experience and I recommend this program to anyone who is finally ready to become a seeker of their own Light.
Aphrodite, USA - Praise from the Soul Shine course

Soul Shine provided me an avenue to soar to a higher awareness that I did not know existed.
"It taught me to step into the light and not fear it. It explored and accepted the shadowy areas of myself without judgement or shame. It enabled me to clear, cancel and delete the fear based energy that was holding me back from moving forward in a positive and healthy direction in my life."
Patty Halligan, Canada - Praise from the Soul Shine course

I feel so grateful for be part of this journey.
"I would like to have the precise words to describe my experience in Soul Shine, however today I recognize that those feelings that come to raise our consciousness have no definition, they just feel in the depths of your being and from there the new perspective of life begins and this is part of my experience. Elizabeth's guidance has been accurate, impeccable, and full of pure love."
Ana Cristina, Spain - Praise from the Soul Shine course

Elizabeth's words got me thru a huge block of fear that I've never been able to get past in any other meditation.
"I would get very real pain that was so bad I couldn't go any further, no matter how many times I stopped and tried to do it again. When Elizabeth said " You are the light " I knew in that moment I was connected to all that is and that my guides and angels are with me all the time. It was the most amazing feeling."
Brenda Lee Norquay, Canada - Praise from the Connecting with Your Guides & Angels course

Her soothing presence and loving nature are transmitted through her guided meditations.
"They feel like a one-on-one session. I have never found a guided meditation to be more healing than those Elizabeth creates. The results in my life are undeniable! Each time I sit down to one of her meditations it’s like opening a precious gift..."
Allison Rolfe, USA - Praise from the Past Life Healing Journey Through the Chakras course

Sign up for Soul Shine, you'll receive a welcome email, and then we begin the 44-day journey together inside the course.
Daily meditations are 15-20 minutes long live and are designed to help raise the energy as one no matter when you join.
Each day we'll build on the energy of previous days. You'll begin to feel a shift from day one. You'll go from un-grounded and unsure of life to feeling centered and powerful to take on the day.
Each week's theme prepares your energy for deeper awareness and greater consciousness of who you are and what you're capable of doing.
On DAY ONE we'll begin with how to meditate using best practices that will support your journey. You'll also learn why you're here, who you are, and why you chose to incarnate now.
We'll focus on the foundation of meditation, grounding into the earth, centering, and being the light. With daily practice it will get easier to connect with and be the light.
For the next 7 days, you'll learn how to navigate the evolving landscape of your personal energy system and recognize where your current vibration is leading you.
We'll continue to focus on your personal energy system, meet and work with your Healing Guides, and raise your awareness to new levels of consciousness.
After connecting with and clearing your present moment light, this week we'll work on clearing energy from the past including previous incarnations.
You have a team of light beings with you. Throughout the 44 day journey they are continually working alongside you. Now it's time to integrate with their light.
Ascension is your next step. Moving into the highest vibration of your light, being one with the Divine, and bringing heaven to earth.
On DAY 44 your shining soul will channel the radiance at the core of your being to call in your purpose and fully awakened consciousness.
Coming together with others who have similar intentions can help raise your energy higher than when meditating alone. Even the recordings have a higher energy resulting in deeper connections and greater awareness, especially as the meditations are channeled in the moment and draw on the collective consciousness of the group dynamic.

Meditation promotes a deep sense of
inner peace and relaxation.
Hello, I'm Elizabeth Harper
As your guide, my purpose is to remind you of the healing gifts sleeping within your soul.
It's my mission to guide you to awaken the true essence of your light in this lifetime, to nurture your gifts and reconnect with your truth. Part of this truth is to heal thyself.
Through my award-winning books, popular weekly YouTube video series, and magazine articles, I’ve helped thousands of people like you access their intuitive gifts, discover new ways to heal wounds that stand in the way of success, and realize their soul’s purpose over the last 30 years.
One of my SUPERPOWERS is my ability to channel powerful and transformative meditations.
Meditation is probably the most beneficial practice you can do for spiritual development. I’ve been meditating since childhood. It makes me feel peaceful and helps me to breeze through anything that comes my way.
I want this for you too!

"Elizabeth Harper is a gifted teacher and intuitive."
Her workshops at Omega have helped students from around the world find their own inner compass. Not only does she know her subject matter inside and out, but she is also a truly giving and genuine person. She walks her talk and that is a gift indeed!"
Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Health Benefits of Meditation
Meditation calms the mind, stimulates the immune system, and reduces stress. Much research has been undertaken with positive results, which is probably why meditation is gaining momentum in the medical world.
Benefits include:
♡ Lower blood pressure
♡ Lower cholesterol
♡ Increased concentration
♡ Reduced pain
♡ Improved sleep
♡ Relief for depression
♡ Anti-aging
♡ Enhances Immunity to infection

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation
Meditation balances the left and right brain hemispheres, forging deeper connections between you and your intuitive genius, your spirit team and soul. As a daily practice, meditation is key to awareness and enlightenment.
Benefits include:
𑁍 Heightened awareness
𑁍 Sense of peace
𑁍 Stronger connection to Guides & Angels
𑁍 Feelings of contentment
𑁍 Accessibility to Divine Guidance
𑁍 Understanding of personal experiences
𑁍 Greater sense of self
𑁍 Recognition of purpose

Meditation is an altered state of consciousness leading to a path of healing
Any tool that can help us connect to a deeper aspect of ourselves is a valuable asset for self-healing, self-knowledge, and enlightenment. Meditation changes brainwave patterns, and releases serotonin - a happy hormone.
When you're relaxed your breathing and heart rate slows, blood pressure normalizes, and all the symptoms of stress dissipate. Relaxation alone doesn’t have this same effect.
When do I get access?
Are the meditations downloadable?
How long do I have the meditations for?
How do I contact support?
What our students have to say...

Being a part of Soul Shine is one of the best things I've ever done for myself Spiritually.
"I got so much more out of it than I ever thought I would. I'm able to have a better Meditation than before, I am more in touch with my Light, my Guides, Angels and Spirit Team. I am so very Grateful to Elizabeth for guiding us on this Incredible Journey. Thank You dear beautiful Soul".
Barbarah Travland, USA - Praise from the Soul Shine course

I have taken so much from these meditations
"It truly has been a journey and one that will continue. Thinking about what I have gained, I realized how much more peaceful I am, how less judgemental, and how much more I trust the process, I have fallen in love with meditating with my tribe. I am going to miss Elizabeth’s beautiful, calm voice during the meditations though. I can’t thank you enough for getting me going on something I have been trying to do for a long time. The time was right."
Vivienne Wainwright-Fisher, UK - Praise from the Soul Shine course

As a newbie to daily meditation this course was absolutely amazing.
Elizabeth's calm demeanor and genuine caring made me feel peaceful and welcome. I experienced many tender moments, emotional healing and awakened parts of myself long buried. I highly recommend this course to everyone.
Christi Hannan, USA - Praise from the Soul Shine course

If you sincerely desire walking in the Light.....this course is for you.
"Intend to finish what you start. Do the assignments, stay the course and Elizabeth will take you to places you never thought possible. This course is done in the safe environment of love. You have nothing to fear and amazing freedom to gain."
Sharon Larsen, USA - Praise from the Soul Shine course
Meditation is the most beneficial practice you can do for spiritual development.