Soul Healing

Ready to let go of what no longer serves you, raise your vibration, and embrace a journey of self-discovery and healing?

Transformative healing to nourish your soul on all dimensions of being.

Understanding Blocks

Learn why challenging experiences have repeated throughout your life.

Chakra Attunement

Align your energy system with your soul's frequency to create balance and harmony.

Raising Vibration

Discover how to live life from a place of spiritual wholeness and joy.

Return to Wholeness

Experience transformation with Elizabeth's one-on-one Soul Healing sessions for deep soul work, guidance, and healing. Expose negative patterns that get in the way of success and discover how to change the story of your healing journey.

Using a unique blend of healing tools - Conscious Clearing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Integrated Energy Therapy, Angel Healing, Energy Expansion, Past Life Therapy, Chakra Alignment, and more - designed to release emotional burdens, clear past life obstacles, and heal karma.

Elizabeth's methods empower you to shed limiting beliefs, embrace your inner light, and elevate your vibration. This process aligns you with your true self paving the way for profound healing, allowing you to overcome soul fractures and emotional vulnerabilities resulting in greater happiness and lasting peace.


Healing the wounded soul.

Our plan is to create a magical experience while awakening consciousness, unleash intuitive, spiritual and healing powers, deepen the connection with the Divine spark within and raise the vibration of your soul to the highest level of awareness.

If you've been guided to Elizabeth for healing, then know that it doesn't matter that you're not in the same time zone or physical space. Everything is energy and healing can work across all time, space, dimensions and realities.

Embrace this opportunity to heal your soul, find peace, and become a more empowered version of yourself.


Your next step!

This is a one-on-one ZOOM healing call to help find and clear energy blocks, raise your vibration, and return to wholeness.

Once payment is received, Elizabeth will reach out to you within 48 hours of your request for healing to find out more about your needs and arrange an appointment day and time that works best for you.

Sessions are 60 minutes. This can be a one-time session, or you can arrange to meet regularly for ongoing healing.

SOUL HEALING BONUS: For a limited time enjoy one week of free access to our Soul Circle live sessions.


Meeting Elizabeth has become my life's turning point.

I’ve had healing sessions with Elizabeth to work on my childhood wound around my family.

After every session, I would see miraculous changes happen in my life that blew me away.

I have made so much progress that I couldn’t reach in my regular sessions with my therapist, and I’m beyond grateful for the time she’s spent with me.


Elizabeth has an incredible connection with spirit, what a miraculous session I had with her. 

I was suffering from anxiety and insomnia. We discussed the grief and sadness of a miscarriage when I was 19 years old. 

After our deep healing session, she asked me to close my eyes and take deep breaths. Even with my eyes closed, I could see the most brilliant white light. I felt it was my baby girl’s spirit. I was still holding on, and Elizabeth helped me with this release I didn't know I needed.

I have been sleeping much better since our session. Every moment you spend with Elizabeth is a gift to yourself, she has truly saved my life many times. 

Elizabeth Says

"My work is a blend of prediction, insight, and healing. It is proactive and holistic so my approach offers a grounded perspective of the available options.

I intend to offer healing and enlightenment on your soul path, keeping you on course to experience the life your heart and soul desires.

If you are ready and willing to step into your power then I am here to support you as you become your most radiant, shining self."


Your next step!

This is a one-on-one ZOOM healing call to help find and clear energy blocks, raise your vibration, and return to wholeness.

Once payment is received, Elizabeth will reach out to you within 48 hours of your request for healing to find out more about your needs and arrange an appointment day and time that works best for you.

Sessions are 60 minutes. This can be a one-time session, or you can arrange to meet regularly for ongoing healing.

SOUL HEALING BONUS: For a limited time enjoy one week of free access to our Soul Circle live sessions.


Need something different?

Reach out here ➔

Healing With the Angels

Invoke the Angelic frequency for healing, guidance, and support. In this beautiful course, you will learn:

✨ the 3 things your Angels want you to know now

✨ 5-minute daily practices to connect with your energy

✨ how to plug into the Angelic vibration to inspire the universe's blessings for the next step on your journey.


Follow @sealed.with.love