World’s 1st (and ONLY) Donut Personality Oracle

If you were a donut what kind of donut would you be? Your choice of flavor, shape, topping and filling can reflect more than just your taste; it can reveal your individual nature.

Before you check the World’s First Donut Personality Oracle, create your ideal donut in your mind's eye. Alternatively, wait to be inspired in the moment as you read the 4 questions below.

Here are the Q's so you can get a head start:

  1. If you were a donut, would you be plain or flavored?
  2. What shape would you be - round, with or without a hole, or maybe another shape altogether? 
  3. Do you have a filling, and if so, is your donut filled with jam, fruit, or cream?
  4. And what about a topping, would you be sprinkled with plain sugar, icing, chocolate, or something more colorful?


Are you a plain donut or are you flavored?

  • If you’re plain then you are traditional, honest, and dependable, but it doesn’t mean you don’t step over the line every now and again!
  • If you’re a flavored donut well you’re a bit saucy, playful, and like to have a laugh. You do have a serious side though so it’s not all fun and games.

Our next question is about the shape - are you a round donut, with or without a hole, or are you a different shape altogether?

  • If you’re round with a hole you like to know what’s happening in your life; you don’t like tricks played on you but you do like to be given unexpected gifts.
  • If you’re a round donut and in one piece then you’re happy to go with the flow and you’re really good at keeping secrets.
  • And, if you’re not round and you have a completely different shape, well you are always up for trying something new; you’re adventurous and willing to take a risk.

Our third donut personality question is about the filling - would your donut be filled with jam, cream, or fruit?

  • If you are a jam donut you know how to get out of a scrape – you’re a fix-it person! Jam is usually red so you’re fast, think on your feet, and a little sexy – Ooh La La!
  • If you are a cream or custard-filled donut then you are quite simply nice, romantic, and a bit of a people pleaser. The cream is usually vanilla colored so you are adaptable and blend well in any environment.
  • And if you are a fruit-filled donut you will happily give the shirt off your back to help someone out, but they’d better not be stringing you a line because you can easily dish out your own kind of revenge, and it’s not pretty!

Our final question is about toppings - are you covered with icing, glaze, chocolate, sprinkles, or just plain old sugar?

  • If you are covered with icing you like the simple things in life provided simplicity comes with some creature comforts.
  • If you’re covered with the glaze you are easygoing and don’t mind an untidy environment - as long as it's organized chaos.
  • If you’re a chocolate-covered donut, you are resourceful, open to new ideas, and willing to go the distance for those closest to your heart.
  • For all those with donuts that have sprinkles or M&M’s on them you are cheeky, indulgent, and like lots of variety.
  • And finally, if your donut is covered in just plain old sugar, then you are a supporter, defender, and protector, and you’ll do everything in your power to keep everyone happy and safe.


👉 Share with us in the comments if the donut you chose offers insight into your sweet self.

💖 I hope you enjoyed this DONUT PERSONALITY ORACLE. Please spread the sweetness of this fun (and profound) oracle, and share it with your friends, I'm sure they would LOVE to know what their INNER DONUT has to tell them.


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Keep shining your light!
Love & angel blessings,





Dixie Thompson I am a sour cream glazed cake donut!
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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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