Ways to help Ukraine

We're all looking for peace in our lives, but we're not all living in a war zone.
When I read about the terrible things happening in Ukraine right now, it breaks my heart.
Why does man continually try to establish power by killing others
and laying claim to the land and all who live on her?
It's an age-old question, isn't it.
I would have thought that by now those in positions of power would have recognized the benefits of loving thy neighbor, but apparently not.
So what can we do as light-bearers, creatives, and sensitives?
We can pull together as a global community to support the people of Ukraine in whatever way we can. There are issues all over the planet right now and you may well be pulled to send support somewhere else. If that is the case then go ahead, don't wait, offer your help, let your intuition guide you.
My intuition guided me and my husband to donate and continue to donate to various organizations. Even a golf company I follow set up a fofundme page offering to double donations.
I feel so proud of those members of the human race that are pulling together in the background to show their solidarity.
I'll include a list here of places you may be interested in checking out. Firstly, I want to share what I bought from a group of Ukrainian artists living in Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city.
I bought these stained-glass cats on Etsy with the thought that this was essentially a donation, I wasn't expecting to receive them.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that many of their products are shipped from outside the country.
I've since purchased 2 beautiful Angels from the same group, VenusGlassArt. When I tune into Ukraine that's what I see, an army of Angels surrounding the country. Archangel Michael is there for sure.
"In the end, it is not the words of our enemies that will be remembered,
but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr
I know that the thought of conflict is challenging for sensitives. You can choose not to take the energy on, cleanse with white light and focus on humanitarian causes from a place of love.
Here are a few ways to help.
Just like I did, seek out Ukrainian sellers on Etsy. Some have digital products to offer in exchange for varying levels of financial support.
Some people are booking Airbnb rentals around Ukraine, not with the intention of traveling there, but to donate to those whose livelihoods have been shattered by this war.
Core Response is a humanitarian aid center set up by actor Sean Penn, originally in response to the 2010 disaster in Haiti, and now extending to offer support to Ukrainian refugees.
There is a multitude of established organizations that support global humanitarian causes. Save the Children is one of them.
My husband is a former US Marine, one of the places he donated to was Revived Soldiers Ukraine.
I've held a number of prayer and healing circles to send light and energy to Ukraine and to the world. I'll let you know when I organize more, be sure to sign up for my Love Letter to receive updates.
Tremendous power is channeled into the Earth when we unite as one, with our hearts and minds focused on peace. Simply visualize all people coming together with like minds and hearts, joining hands, equal, friendly, and willing to hold the space for peace to live.
Lots of angel blessings to you,
Love, elizabeth XOXO