Spirit Animal Angel Messages

IMPORTANT LINKS >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<
We’re using Spirit Animals for our Angel Messages this week, offering support and insights into what your soul most needs right now.
Invite the Angels to guide you to pick a card 1, 2, or 3. Watch the video for the Spirt Animal influences for everyone and then you can go straight to your message.
✨ Message from the Angels for everyone
✨ Message 1: Patience 3:44
✨ Message 2: Movement 5:44
✨ Message 3: Release 8:44
Did the messages and healing speak to you? Let me know with a comment, a 💖, or a YES! Share your insights, intuitions, wisdom, what came up for you?
💖 Spread the love. Let others know they can pick a message.
👉 YOUR NEXT STEP >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<
Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week
Lots of angel blessings to you,