Pick a Card Angel Messages for Earth Day Month

IMPORTANT LINKS >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<
In the Soul Circle, we’re working with Archangel Ariel, Angel of nature and abundance. The Earth is so abundant, giving us life, food, and shelter. We celebrate our beautiful Earth on Earth Day, but if you’re like me, I celebrate and honor her every day.
Place your hands over your heart and invite the Angels to guide you to select from messages 1, 2, or 3. You can choose more than one message. Watch the video for the Earth Day message for all of us and then you can go straight to your message.
✨ Message from Gaia for everyone is at the beginning
✨ Message 1: Time to celebrate 5:12
✨ Message 2: Forging a vision 7:22
✨ Message 3: Into the fire 9:30
Did the messages and healing speak to you? Let me know with a comment, a 💖, or a YES! Share your insights, intuitions, wisdom, what came up for you?
💖 Spread the love. Let others know they can pick a message.
👉 YOUR NEXT STEP >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<
Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week
Lots of angel blessings to you,