My Healing Bear

When I was around 2 years old, I loved to watch the coal burning in the living room fire. Even though I'd been told not to, I would pick up the poker and stoke life into the fire. It was something I found pleasure in.

Then one day I picked the poker up by the wrong end and burned my hand. The pain was relieved though by a wonderful gift that I still have today.

My mother had placed me on the sofa, left the room and then on re-entering exclaimed, "look what the postman just brought!"

It was a teddy bear and I loved him immediately.

From that point on, as far as I was concerned, he was my Healing Bear. If anyone fell ill or was sad, I'd lend them my bear until they were on the mend.

This 57 year-old bear sits on my meditation cushion where Grit, my cat with one eye loves to sleep. In the photo, the bear is in the back on the left.

I wanted to share this because maybe you have something that represents healing for you. Maybe a talisman, a crystal, a word, maybe an action like putting your hands into the prayer mudra, or maybe even your very own healing bear.

It helps to have something that makes you feel safe and supported.

I also like to wrap my Angel Wings silk around my shoulders.

If you don't have anything that represents healing for you, then ask your soul to guide you to what will support you now.

I would LOVE to know what comes to you. Let me know in the comments.


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Lots of angel blessings to you,
Love, elizabeth XOXO



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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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