The Message in a Feather


A few days ago we heard a ruckus on the roof of our porch. I looked out the window and saw 5 Turkey Vultures flying off.

These are huge birds we frequently see hovering in spirals over the trees around us. We checked the roof and could see they'd left something behind but didn't know what it was.

The next day it was still there, but then the following morning it landed on the grass. A beautiful perfectly formed wing feather.

I took it as a sign.

Just before we began building our house I had an experience with a Native American spirit - he was checking us out. The next day, a feather was left and I knew it was a sign we were welcome to begin our life here.

The Turkey Vulture feather is a symbol of cleansing, transformation and enlightenment. They work with the energy of the earth to rise high above the material plane, letting go of the old and welcoming in the new.

Their feathers are sacred, so once our local Native American center opens back up I'll offer them this gift that was given to me.

Animals, birds, creatures, all nature are in relationship with us. They frequently give us gifts to help us understand and navigate our journey through life.

I received lots of signs when I created Soul Shine, a 44 day transformational journey to awakened consciousness. The idea just dropped into my awareness, divinely guided.

You might already be a part of Soul Shine, if not then I'd love to welcome you to join us. So many people are moving through change, it's gentle and powerful. We need this now, it's time for change.

If you're guided to join then you can FIND OUT MORE HERE>>>

I would love to welcome you into my Living with Intuition free Facebook group.

Lots of angel blessings to you,
Love, elizabeth XOXO



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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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