Message from your ANGELS

This morning I asked my guides what to write to you. I was directed to select some angel cards. When I ask and get an answer I'm not hearing someone tell me - at least not in this instance. Instead I found my gaze wandering to my cards and I knew that the answer was to pull a couple.

This is what came up, it's a message for all of us as we travel through this month of transformation and change.

Surrender & Release

Let go of anything or anyone you've been holding onto. You can't take them with you - they have to want to go - and by wanting them to come with you on your terms you're just trying to control their lives. We all have choices and while we might think the choices made by someone else are "wrong" we cannot take that choice away from them. That's how we learn, that's how we know what is right for us.

Focus on what you need to release, what is holding you back, what's in the way of your success, what are you carrying with you from the past that no longer serves you.



Daily Practice

One of the things I talk about a lot is that if you want more blessings in your life and all you experience is negativiity then you need a daily practice. Meditation is a great way to be in the present moment - this is where your power is, this is where YOU are. Being in the present moment can help you let go of fear of the future as well as any criticisms you might feel about the past.

Imagine learning to play the piano. It take practice to become proficient. Well it's the same with your daily practice to live a life filled with blessings. 

Make your intention, whatever that might be, before you start to meditate. Then simply allow the energy to zone in on that intention. You don't have to do anything special - surrender & release anyrthing that comes up related to the past or the future. 

 Angel Therapy

Here's what it says on the card, it's a message from Archangel Raphael: Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.

Can you see the theme of the cards? You're being asked to let go, focus on achieving success and happiness one day at a time, and give anything that is bothering you to your angels. Your Angels are always there with you, supporting, guiding and loving you. They're non-judgmental, they don't judge anything about you or the choices you make. They love you no matter what.

This is a lesson for all of us, to not judge others and especially to not judge ourselves. So now, go through these three messages and ask your angels to help you to release, lighten up and heal.


Personal Messages

This Angel message is a general one for all of us. I know it's relevent for me, but if you want to go deeper and get your own PERSONAL MESSAGES then you can use my INTUITIVE GUIDANCE SESSION to receive answers to your questions as well as deeply profound messages from your angels.

FInally, let me know in the comments below what you need to let go of now. How is this message reflected in your own life?

LOVE + blessings

Remember to pick up your FREE Guiding Angel meditation




David Am Feeling Blessings Upon My Future Life....Please Let It Fall On Me Like A Rain
Kate Thank you, Elizabeth. A friend of mine, as well as myself, have gone on an unfriending spree on social media. I just can''t accept the negativity anymore and I have to let go. I wish them all well but I need to do what is best for my soul these days. Thank you so much for green light. :)
Patty Dear Elizabeth, this arrived on 11/11 and I awakened to some heavy karma pain from my ex husband to be released the cord cutting meditation and AA Raphael healing meditation was perfect thank you so much dear blessed soul of love and light.
Susan Coco This certainly pertains to me as I have broken up with the man in my life once again after 6 years of on & off.   Plus I just lost my job, it felt more like a lynching. Everytime the video tries to replay in my mind I just say it's over, let it go. Thanks this instilled in my mind what I already knew but wasn't practicing enough.
"Smiles" Thank you Elizabeth the message is perfect timing!

Lots of Love!!!!!
pamela Just read Angels messages for this month, wow these resonate with me and I will certainly use these when negativity creeps in . Thank yoiu
Jennie awesome I felt like some of the angel messages should have been sent to my Daughter she so needs as many Angels she can get right now 
Ellie Delgado Thank you Elizabeth for your gift.... I can relate in so many ways to all of the messages received. I am trying on so many levels to connect with my Angels, affirmation, meditationso, guided meditations and still feel disconnected spiritually. I know they are with me and your messages resonate with that. I am grateful for your service. Love & blessings ❤
Yvonne Oh my so true - how to let go I really can't understand how to let go I am trying so hard
Thank you for the cards it really telling me to release n let go
I am asking God n the Angels to guide me through this process
Thank you
Linda This message is encouraging...I have had to let my Mother go. She's a fundamentalist christian who cannot understand how I have come to be where I am.   I cannot help her with her fear and "concern" for me and feel to be where I am celebrated and not just tolerated...lol in so many words. I continue to stay in my heart for promptings and guidance. I actually had to let go of all I came to know, to be open to receive what I've been given for such a time as this.   It's been hard at times...but it's easy when resistance is dealt with especially on the inside...to be able to experience and even discover The More, with an ease, grace and joy.   Blessing to all on this journey...Love Love Love is all there is...Yes, the power in it, the freedom.     Big Huggz to all. and ty Elizabeth...so appreciate the Light you are. xxoo
Breezy Brenda Thanks so very much Elizabeth . ???????
Of all the mesages I received today yours ( the news letter ) was thee One that resonated most .
I've been surrendering and releasing all week , omg is it ever freeing .
Allowing every minute to be what it is , accepting it ,,always looking for the light in it ???
The blessings ??? . I'm very grateful .
Bye. For now , much love & gratitude to you Dear Woman , hugs & ? 's , Breezy ???
Maria God bless you Elizabeth. I let go a long time ago, all expectations, I dont judge me any more. Am not sure what the message tries to say, today I realize am in a state of "blank"
Every day I pray for a job. Everyday I give thanks, because a have beautiful family. Problems and set backs some times puts me like I am today, to much stress; I feel numb.
Pray for me. Thanks.
Frances I'm not sure what it could be,i do know that I'm having a hard time with,i lost my son 2years ago ,I watched him die the hardest thing I've been through,i can't seem to let it go ,we were very close,i miss him terribly,i can barely breathe,he was 34 ,I don't want to let go him, Frances
Alie Thank you, you bring me such relief from my current anxiety. It all helps and I am trying to open myself up to the angles guidance and put my trust in them. I am feeling them more and more. I am so happy I have found you, especially whilst going through this difficult spell.
yvonne Thank you Elizabeth for you beautiful messages may your be blessed with love .

Its wonderful to recieve a replay from you , thank you that we feel as one <3
treana Thank youso much for my message its helped me so much to re connect with my angels thank you god bless all of you xxxxx
Frankie I'm so grateful and thankful Elizabeth for you and Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael! I've been struggling with two major life changes and you and they are helping me to walk by faith and not by sight ! Im learning to trust more and more !
Alexandria chavez I'm not sure what I'm holding on too but honestly it's more like it's holding on to me no matter how much I pray and ask all power in my heart to protect and give me strengths I feel this awkward feeling of despair I can't move forward for everything negative just keeps me locked suffercated honestly I love myself but when I give myself confidence it seems to be dragged down especially living in my mom my step father is horrible to me and calls me evil things as well as my mother so that doesn't help either with trying to be the best and constant hate and bad things always towards me it never fails thank you sweet lady for your amazing words you always giving me hope



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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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