Fith Ray of Intellectual Knowledge - Midweek Message

I chose a card for you today. The Fifth Ray of Intellectual Knowledge shows that something in your life hasn't been clear, there's been confusion and you need clarity.
Archangel Raphael can help you find the truth you're seeking, guide you to make decisions from the heart.
Interestingly, this angel has been popping up in the past 48 hours. We're focusing on healing this month in my Soul Circle, and the first meditation we did yesterday was with Archangel Raphael.
Then this morning, I felt a nudge to share with my Love Letter subscribers the Archangel Raphael Meditation I channeled many moons ago.
It seems we are all in need of healing on some level right now, and Archangel Raphael is answering the call.
You're being guided to navigate illusion to find the truth. It's not always easy when you're emotionally involved to discern truth, so you may need to step back for a while, clear your mind, let the light of clarity fill your vision.
The fifth ray helps you to let go of anything that is unhealthy, that is not beneficial to you. The fifth ray offers you truth.
Are you ready to embrace that truth?
Remember to pick up your FREE Guiding Angel meditation
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