Are You Raising Consciousness?

Today I asked my Guides and Angels for inspiration and was guided to an old book in my library originally published in 1938, Murdo Macdonald Bayne's, The Higher Power You Can Use. 

I opened the book to a random page and began to read. The message was all about our perception of reality and that without a feeling of separation we could have no knowledge of unity.

I read this book when I was a child and it certainly influenced my consciousness. 

I continued to read until I found something that felt like it wanted to be shared with you. I'd just finished my breakfast of an avocado, so this paragraph sparked my interest.

"When you take in food you raise it in vibration - it is spiritualized by contact with your spiritual power and passes into the atmosphere through your aura. It is the same substance that was taken from the ground, only you have raised its vibration and dispersed it into the atmosphere. Just as you take the substance of this particular plane into yourself and raise it, so do those living in the invisible planes take this raised substance and raise it to a higher state, and as it is absorbed in the progressive planes it is raised higher and higher, until it passes back into the Perfect Substance from which it came."

As I absorbed this message I began to mull over our purpose on the earth plane. We as light workers have a purpose of raising the vibration. We're here to do our own thing for sure, but there is a unified purpose too. As you raise your consciousness so you raise the consciousness of those around you, not just people and animals, but also the food you eat.

Yesterday, I worked on the Angel Crystals & How to Create an Angel Crystal Grid guidebook bonus for the Connecting With Your Guides & Angel Course I spent most of the day attuning to crystals and sharing their purpose. We often employ crystals in our mission to raise our consciousness. Think about that for a moment. It's a two-way street isn't it, as they raise your consciousness you raise theirs. Don't you just love that!

We've been talking for a long time about how the vibration of the planet is changing. We've been looking for a sign of this shift while all along it's been going on slowly but surely around and within us.

One of the questions I'm asked most is
"What is my Life Purpose?" 

This is it! You're already living an aspect of your LIFE PURPOSE just by being. 

Healer Heal Thyself - by healing and spiritualizing you first, you are bringing healing to the planet and raising the collective consciousness of everything and everyone living here. You have your own stuff to work on for sure, but part of the agreement is that you're transforming the energy to return once more to be ONE with the Divine. And how do you do this? By raising your consciousness.

In February I spoke to you about a strong feeling I had that I needed to create a program to clear, cleanse and energize the chakra system. You can watch my video message here >> Message From Elizabeth << I'm starting this off now with ILLUMINATE YOUR LIGHTBODY an online event on Sunday 20th August. If you miss the live event you can register to watch the recording.

Learn More Here

If in the last couple of weeks you've had an intuitive feeling that something is about to change but you're still waiting for it to happen, then you're on the edge of HUGE transformation. My SOLAR PLEXUS feels like I'm nearing the top of a roller coaster and anticipating the hair raising ride once I get to the top.  

With so much activity in the heavens, this is the best time to embrace our collective purpose as light workers. The Universe has set the stage and it's time for you to raise your vibration to become ONE with the light.

  • Are you ready to Illuminate your Lightbody 
  • Heal the blueprint of your soul 
  • Awaken your super powers

If you are, then join me on Sunday as we navigate the wisdom of the stars. Together, we'll call in our Guides and Angels for support and Divine guidance. We'll release and cleanse karmic energy, raising the consciousness of the group beyond anything you've experienced before. We'll call in all those parts of you that you've left behind in this and previous lifetimes. And we'll empower your soul to awaken your greatest gifts

August 20th, 2017, 4:00 PM EST 

Learn More Here

LOVE + blessings
XOXO elizabeth


Bryan Thank you sis Elizabeth.


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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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